Sake Know-How

In our Sake Know-How Blog you will find articles on perfect sake enjoyment, interviews with sake breweries, sake recipes or new products and awards.

In our Sake Know-How Blog you will find articles on perfect sake enjoyment, interviews with sake breweries, sake recipes or new products and awards. read more »
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Sake Know-How

In our Sake Know-How Blog you will find articles on perfect sake enjoyment, interviews with sake breweries, sake recipes or new products and awards.

What is the special Japanese wort Mirin all about? And what actually is real mirin?
Sake wird gebraut. Die Herstellung erinnert an die Produktion von Bier. Der Alkoholgehalt von Sake liegt bei etwa 15%. Insofern und auch durch seine Geschmacksvielfalt ist Sake aber am ehesten mit Wein vergleichbar. Seine Braumethode ist einzigartig: Bei der Sake-Herstellung findet die Umwandlung des Reises in Zucker gleichzeitig mit der alkoholischen Gärung statt, während Bier aus bereits verzuckertem Malz gebraut wird.
Recommendations for enjoying high-quality Sake: Aroma and flavor, harmony between food and sake, serving temperature...
The six classes of premium sake feature typical flavours and characteristics...
Are you fascinated by sake and would like to dive deeper into the world of the "popular drink of the Japanese"? We offer you a variety of opportunities to expand your expertise around the topic of "sake".
What does "traditional" soy sauce mean? What are the differences?
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